Where are we on the road to zero poverty? Reflections from CPAN Associates in East and Southern Africa

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is upon us once more, with renewed urgency to reinvigorate action to get to zero poverty. Below, select CPAN Associates provide high level reflections, part of an ongoing discussion of how realistic this goal remains in regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Fighting extreme poverty remains an uphill task in southern Africa

By Blessings Chinsinga

Extreme poverty remains widespread, deep and severe in southern Africa. Estimates pre-pandemic found that that 88 million people (about 45.1% of the population) lived in extreme poverty. It is moreover estimated that over 40 million more people are expected to face extreme poverty by 2040.

Most countries in the region have not been able to create institutional and social foundations for structural changes to facilitate transformative and sustainable development. On top of this, Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on southern African economies leading to rising poverty, inequality and unemployment. Lack of economic diversification is slowing down the recovery process, especially since commodities play a disproportionate role in most of these economies.

Recovery efforts have been further hampered by a litany of adverse climatic episodes including severe droughts, heavy rains and flash flooding. Some countries have endured successive bouts of cyclones (for example, cyclone Ana, Idai and Freddy) with devastating impacts on their agricultural sectors as well as their basic infrastructure. The Russian-Ukraine war has simply exacerbated the situation. Fertilizers are no longer affordable to most farmers, further crippling the predominantly agrarian economies in the region. The war has also had a negative impact on the prices of various basic commodities worsening the living standards of many people in the region.

Several strategies could potentially reverse southern Africa’s pessimistic outlook on its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Robust social protection programmes, especially social cash transfers, are proving effective in changing and diversifying livelihood opportunities of its participants.

Alongside this, agricultural support programmes could play a vital role in the recovery efforts especially for countries reeling from successive bouts of cyclones or droughts. Job creation more broadly, especially through climate smart interventions including those targeting youth, could help support the region’s efforts to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.

Achievement of substantive gender equality must be central to all policies and programmes by dealing with impediments that limit the economic independence and security of women.

All these efforts require reconfiguring the state to serve as a vehicle for meaningful development and sustainable structural transformation. Through decentralization policy reforms, widely adopted in the region, efforts must be made to genuinely empower people in poverty to play an active part in designing and implementing programmes that are meant to benefit them.

For more on CPAN policy recommendations to get to zero poverty in southern Africa, see:

Microeconomic support for poverty eradication in East Africa, with a focus on Ethiopia and Tanzania

By Judith Kahamba and Yisak Tafere

The successive and multiple crises overlaying structural challenges have deterred East Africa’s promising economic growth. Drought and the COVID-19 pandemic hit Tanzania and Ethiopia hard in the last years. In Ethiopia, the war in Tigray and more recent devaluation of the national currency following the Foreign Exchange Directive has amplified challenges. Tanzanians face various dimensions of vulnerability to poverty on account of climate-related crises and health shocks on the back of weak structural economic transformation, low education levels, limited growth elasticity of poverty and limited public spending on sectors critical for people in and near poverty such as agriculture and health.

The impact of these crises and stressors on poverty reduction has been visible. For example, between 2015 and 2022, absolute poverty and income inequality has increased in Ethiopia. In Tanzania, strong growth has not consistently translated into poverty reduction.

So, what can be done amidst these challenges? In both countries, the governments have implemented various policies and strategies to reduce poverty. With regards to social protection Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program is hailed as one of the most ambitious social protection programmes on the continent. The Tanzania Social Action Fund’s Conditional Cash Transfer and Productive Social Safety Nets also seek to reduce extreme poverty through cash transfers to vulnerable populations.

Continued and increased investment in productive social safety net programs is still crucial in reducing vulnerability to extreme poverty. Reversing external cutbacks will be needed in contexts where international assistance has considerably supported country poverty reduction strategies.

Alongside this, a host of complementary measures are needed. This includes increasing public expenditure on agriculture to improve access to production inputs, irrigation technologies, better infrastructure, and market linkages, as well as proper coordination of the private actors along the key crop, livestock and fisheries value chains. Engagement of the private sector needs to promote climate smart agriculture to overcome the challenge of weather vulnerability in both countries.

With a larger population in the informal sector, the government also needs to invest in human capital and skills development and create a better enabling environment that fosters small enterprises to grow and survive, such as reasonable business taxes and promoting favorable microfinance services to reduce informal sector actors’ vulnerabilities to poverty, especially during external shocks.

For more on CPAN policy recommendations to get to zero poverty in East Africa, see:

Renewing the commitment to social protection in sub-Saharan Africa

By Adeniran Adedeji

Sound macroeconomic stability, debt relief, rising commodity prices, strong global market demand, and favourable trade policies helped some sub-Saharan African countries reduce their poverty rates pre-pandemic. However, poverty reduction was already stalling in many countries prior to COVID-19. Key economic fundamentals in the region have since deteriorated along these metrics, and addressing the root causes of stagnant growth will be critical to reversing the negative poverty trajectory.

To make meaningful progress, additional tools for poverty reduction are necessary. A structured social protection framework could be one of the missing pieces in the policy toolkit, as reinforced above. Historically, social protection in the region has been fragmented, largely donor-driven, and lacked proper targeting mechanisms. The weaknesses in social transfer programs became apparent during the shocks of COVID-19.

However, the pandemic also served as a catalyst for revamping social protection programs across the subcontinent, with many countries introducing social registries and establishing institutional frameworks for social protection. Scaling up these efforts, coordinating social protection initiatives, and enhancing the role of key actors in funding and policy coordination will be crucial for sustained progress in poverty reduction.

Revamping the social protection delivery mechanism is also crucial. Digital technologies can support mapping the vulnerable groups and better targeting of the poor. Innovations that reduce leakages and improve the efficiency of social transfers will be needed in fighting corruption effectively.

For more on CPAN policy recommendations centred on social protection, see:

CPAN moves to Institute of Development Studies

Logo for the Institute of Development Studies

Photo credit: IDS

After 11 years at ODI, the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) has moved to the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex.

With its strategic focus on reducing extreme inequities in ways that can foster more fulfilling lives, IDS is a very appropriate host for the network. It has a strong tradition of fostering participatory development, long-term multi-disciplinary research partnerships and civil society advocacy which makes it well placed to assist with CPAN’s further development.

IDS is located at the University of Sussex, and we're looking forward to the potential relationships with a wider circle of researchers and alumni networks working on poverty and inequality and related issues (climate change, conflict, politics, financial crises, migration).

At the same time, CPAN will continue to engage across the partnership and continue our bread and butter mixed methods poverty dynamics and policy analysis work at a national level, and the flagship Chronic Poverty Reports (including a report on Pandemic Poverty in partnership with the Covid Collective, making use of CPAN’s Covid-19 Poverty Monitoring Initiative). In addition, we will continue to carry out thematic research, such as recent publications on the education of children in poverty and on climate-smart agriculture. We will also continue our policy monitoring research, for example by updating the Poverty Eradication Policy Preparedness Index (PEPPI) 2015 baseline of policies in 30 countries to 2019 and the pandemic period and supporting advocacy efforts on poverty eradication.

Social protection links across sectors critical in getting to zero poverty

By: Vidya Diwakar and Adeniran Adedeji

Cassava processing, a source of employment to Nigerian womenPhoto credit: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Cassava processing, a source of employment to Nigerian women

Photo credit: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Nigeria has a large and growing share of people living in poverty. Roughly 40.1% of its population live below the national poverty line, while a similar share (46.4%) are multidimensionally poor. Covid19 has amplified these concerns, forecasted to push an estimated additional 10 million Nigerians into extreme poverty by 2022.

Research by CPAN and CSEA investigated key drivers associated with descents into and exits from relative monetary poverty across zones of Nigeria, the ways in which COVID-19 pandemic are likely to impact on these dynamics, and the implications for the design of social protection programmes and policy in Nigeria.

Pathways out of poverty constrained by vicious cycle of shocks and insecurity

The analysis uncovered limited sustained poverty escapes (6% of households), but a large share (19%) of households that experienced impoverishment or just transitory escapes from poverty, with spatial variations. If more of these households could be converted into sustained escapes, poverty would reduce in Nigeria.

To escape poverty, many households rely on land, education, and good health to enable livelihood-based pathways out of poverty. Engagement in non-farm enterprises (NFEs) is a common source of poverty escapes in the country, particularly for households with good health and some savings to start up the business. Salaried employment can drive sustained poverty escapes, particularly when coupled with completion of at least lower secondary education. In its absence, poverty escapes through agriculture are also possible, with land ownership important in guarding against subsequent descents into poverty.  

However, high volatility of income especially in non-farm businesses during Covid19 has aggravated the riskiness of enterprises, limited education access, worsened health outcomes, and constrained the ability of households in poverty to effectively respond to shocks. The resulting hunger and distress coping strategies that emerge during Covid19 has created a vicious cycle limiting the potential of households to develop viable livelihoods to escape poverty in the time ahead.

Figure 1: Vicious cycle (outer circle) limiting poverty escapes (inner circle)

What can be done to support asset-enabled livelihood pathways out of poverty in Nigeria?

The research identified various factors that hold back the emerging social protection system from having a greater impact in reducing poverty. Key among them include a heavy dependence on using a social register that remains limited geographically and in its ability to provide real-time information on a household’s potentially changing status, the latter especially important in Covid. There is a pressing need to scale up investments in social protection policies, programmes and systems at federal and state levels-- especially in real-time selection and updating, and identification of a wider range of participants.

In addition, integrating social protection with other interventions in human development and livelihood sectors is relevant in better balancing the 3Ps of social protection (protection, prevention, and promotion). However, in a situation of weak governance, the institutional mechanisms for arbitrage may be limited, and so prioritising issues that require integration becomes key, as is ensuring contextual relevance in different regions.

The results of the analysis point to issues particularly important in helping tackle chronic poverty, prevent impoverishment, and ensure sustained escapes from poverty, and that concurrently work to address the 3ps of social protection (protection, prevention, and promotion). Examples of such interventions include effectively addressing ill health through access to quality services free at the point of delivery, responding to key sources of livelihood risk in non-farm businesses and agriculture (e.g. through micro-insurance), and supporting asset development.

In efforts to integrate, social protection could be at the core of a sequence over a period of years, with social assistance gradually combined with individual and collective savings and credit (e.g. through GEEP), education catch-up if necessary, and then with technical and business skill upgrading, and business development advice and/or agricultural extension support.

Addressing the vicious cycle through integrated social protection is an important component of enabling sustained poverty escapes in Nigeria