CPAN works to keep international attention focused on the fight against extreme and chronic poverty, to identify and understand which policies are effective for poverty reduction - and why.
On this page you will find the latest and most updated information on CPAN's work, activities and programmes as well as the latest relevant discussions in the field of chronic poverty eradication. CPAN blog provides an opportunity to share knowledge and discuss issues of importance to chronic poverty. The blog is written by the CPAN team but we welcome external contributions. If you would like to contribute with a blog post, please contact us.
Our latest research is the first of three bulletins investigating the negative social and economic impacts of the pandemic in the Philippines, Zambia, Malawi and Ethiopia.
Covid-19 is hitting the poorest people the hardest - upcoming research interviews people behind the statistics.
New research suggests that people in low-income countries will be at the back of the line for vaccines. Yet, economic and social disruptions from the disease have had devastating impacts on those living in poverty. Delaying vaccine access in low-income countries would be a moral outrage.
This blog takes an in-depth look at various health effects and responses to Covid-19 and lessons learned from elsewhere, including from other pandemics such as HIV.