Reflections on the CPAN event "Anti-discrimination measures: a path out of poverty"

To what extent are anti-discrimination policies and actions required to ensure the eradication of extreme poverty? Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London hosted an event on the 16th June 2016  'Anti-discrimination measures: a path out of poverty' to launch the findings of an evidence review on impact of anti-discrimination measures and affirmative actions on the lives of the poorest people in middle and low-income countries.

Photo Credit: Panos Pictures

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Microfinance, poverty and disability

This blog focuses on the 'Smart Campaign'; a pilot project run by Fundación Paraguaya, a microfinance institution (MFI), in conjunction with the Washington DC based Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI). The Campaign aims to create a more client-focused industry based on standards, including things like non-discriminatory practice which addresses disability inclusion into credit schemes and training of credit managers and staff around issues of disability.

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