Poverty Dynamics
If the world is to ‘Get to Zero’ extreme poverty this will require, not just ensuring that men and women currently living in poverty are able to escape it, but that new individuals do not become impoverished and that those who have escaped poverty do not once again fall below the poverty line. Several are the shocks that force people below the poverty lines. CPAN research investigates the dynamics and drivers of poverty dynamics to understand how pathways for sustained poverty escape differ and what countries need to do to enhance the escape from and reduce the incidence of transitory escapes.

Poverty Dynamics
Understanding and supporting sustained pathways out of extreme poverty and deprivation
Poverty Dynamics
Poverty Dynamics
Resources files
POverty dynamics, USAID, KDAD, Health, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Niger, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Philippines, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Poverty dynamics