The Chronic Poverty Advisory Network, in partnership with the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), is pleased to announce the event ‘Eradicating poverty: using poverty dynamics to enhance development efforts’ that will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, on the 3 and 4 May 2017.
In the last years CPAN has produced an extensive set of publications on anti-discrimination and disability, social protection, growth and poverty dynamics. These reports examine poverty eradication from different angles and aim to increase the understanding of poverty dynamics and how sustained escapes from poverty can be ensured. The event aims to present this comprehensive set of publications to policy makers in this dissemination workshop that will also be a preparatory exercise for the 4th Chronic Poverty Report.
The primary objective of the workshop is to present and discuss with an interested audience the main findings and policy implications of CPAN’s work on growth, economic and environmental transformation, macro-economic policy, poverty dynamics, disability and social protection, all intended as ways to build sustaining escapes from poverty.
The second objective is to debate and refine these for the national contexts with national policy makers, policy advisors, activists and journalists who are all interested in poverty eradication from different angles.
Finally, the event aims to involve national and regional policy makers, opinion leaders, practitioners and researchers to present and discuss the concept of Chronic Poverty Coalitions (CPC)[1] as a means to advocate for and carry forward the poverty eradication policy agenda at the country level.
Sessions’ Format, Speakers and Participants
The workshop will develop over two days and will revolve around panels on growth, social protection, disability and anti-discrimination measures; as well as a series of working groups, and one additional session to work practically on the potential of national Chronic Poverty Coalitions. Please look at the agenda for more information here.
Speakers will be a combination of key policy leaders, experts, and senior officials from developed and developing countries. Speakers are invited from all regions of the world for their relevance. The moderators are selected from the pools of speakers, participants, and key officials.
The workshop involves participants working on social protection, disability, discrimination, and growth from countries with significant levels of extreme poverty, including: national officials and opinion leaders, international and national practitioners working in international organisations, international and national non-governmental organisations, private sector operatives, representatives of the donors’ community, staff of civil society organisations and researchers.
Registration, Logistics, Costs and contacts
Please note registration is now closed.
The conference is free and seats are limited. Participants are required to cover for their own travel and logistic expenses. CPAN can offer support only to a limited number of participants. Participants who can cover their own costs are more likely to be admitted to the event.
The event will be held at the Heron Portico Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.
The event is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Save the Children, the International Disability Alliance and the Swedish Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA).
Please contact Ms. Stefania Perna for more information
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Photo credit: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam - At the Mentao Nord camp in Burkina Faso. Photo available here.
[1] The development of Chronic Poverty Coalitions is CPAN’s emerging new approach to the issue of policy engagement. Its main objective is to enable an environment at the national level where policy makers, private sector actors, CSOs and staff of national and international organisations can find the right support and research-evidence to develop effective advocacy strategies on the eradication of extreme poverty and tackling chronic poverty.