Lusaka Conference on Poverty Reduction and Climate Resilience: Abstracts submission deadline 27 January
The Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) and its Zambian and southern and eastern African partners are organising a conference on Poverty Reduction and Climate Resilience in Lusaka, May 13-15, 2025, to inform political and policy processes in Zambia and the region. Click the ‘call for papers’ link below to learn how to apply.
Social Assistance and Coping With Crises in Borno, Nigeria
This paper examines the relationship between social assistance, violent conflict, and intersecting crises, and considers how social assistance can help offset erosive forms of coping that could otherwise drive poverty and food insecurity. To investigate these issues, the study draws on newly collected household data covering 1,000 survey respondents in 2023 from the Konduga and Maiduguri Municipal Council local government areas in Borno, Nigeria. Borno has been an epicentre for violence over the past 15 years, and has experienced a range of intersecting crises.
To investigate these issues, the study draws on newly collected household data covering 1,000 survey respondents in 2023 from the Konduga and Maiduguri Municipal Council local government areas in Borno, Nigeria.
The working paper is authored by Vidya Diwakar, Adedeji Peter Adeniran, Emmanuel Nwosu, Fidelis Obaniyi, Chisom Udora
World survey on the role of women in development 2024: Harnessing social protection for gender equality, resilience and transformation
The “World survey on the role of women in development” is presented every five years to the Economic and Financial Committee of the United Nations General Assembly. It provides a unique opportunity to put gender equality issues on the economic policy agenda and bring together perspectives on human rights and sustainable development.
To produce the report, UN Women brought together researchers, policymakers, civil society actors, and UN system partners. Vidya Diwakar made important contributions to the report, particularly through informing Chapter 1, section C, alongside a forthcoming background report.
Source: Shutterstock
Poverty-focused mixed methods research and evaluation online course
Poverty-focused mixed methods research and evaluation online course highlights ways in which both quantitative and qualitative methods can be brought together, to more effectively examine and support poverty and inequality reduction.
If your work or research focuses on addressing poverty and inequality, our online course will help you understand, design and implement mixed methods research and evaluations.
📅 April 02 to 30, 2025 📍Online
Various discounts available for up to 30%!
Financial Inclusion & Resilience Across the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus
This working paper describes some of the current, evidence-based thinking on the roles that financial inclusion can play in fostering household and community resilience in response to varying types of vulnerability, risks, and crises.
It outlines the types of benefits that financial inclusion can accrue to poor households and communities when integrated within broader resilience-focused services. It first presents a multi-sectoral resilience framework to embed financial inclusion (and financial capitals) as a key part of a gender-sensitive resilient system.
It recognizes as part of the context the array of shocks, stressors, and crises prevalent today, and accordingly the need for people in and near poverty to adapt to local realities of climate, violent conflict, and pandemics such as COVID-19 that drive and amplify financial risks.
The Capability Approach and the Sustainable Development Goals: Inter/Multi/Trans Disciplinary Perspectives
This book demonstrates how the capability approach to human development can contribute to the realisation of the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The chapter on "education and sustained poverty escapes in sub-Saharan Africa" authored by CPAN analyzes the interrelationship between education (SDG 4) and sustained poverty reduction (SDG 1). It draws attention to the role of education as an asset supporting resilience, as well as other factors that combine with education to contribute to capabilities that enable sustained escapes from poverty. To investigate this relationship, the chapter synthesizes mixed-methods research by CPAN in Tanzania, Rwanda, Niger, Malawi, Ethiopia, Uganda, and rural Kenya.
Where are we on the road to zero poverty? Reflections from CPAN Associates in East and Southern Africa
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is upon us once more, with renewed urgency to reinvigorate action to get to zero poverty. Below, select CPAN Associates provide high level reflections, part of an ongoing discussion of how realistic this goal remains in regions of sub-Saharan Africa.
Front page of working paper
Poverty and Wellbeing in Zambia: Pandemic Update
This study attempts to provide a descriptive assessment of the reasons behind the increase in poverty witnessed in Zambia between 2015 and 2022. Although poverty in Zambia is more pronounced in rural than urban areas, the increase in poverty was much higher in urban areas. This increase may be at least partly explained by a confluence of factors, including load shedding, the Covid-19 pandemic, which considerably negatively affected businesses and employment, and the effect of rising prices, which also put pressure on households’ purchasing power.
Empowered Worldviews: Assessing the Persistence of Psychosocial Intervention Effects in Zambia
Evidence on the persistence of psychosocial outcomes of interventions over the medium and long term, and in the face of shocks and stressors, is limited. We examined the extent to which empowerment associated with a psychosocial, faith-based approach, Empowered Worldview (EWV) persisted 3–5 years post-delivery of the intervention in Zambia among smallholder farmers. The EWV intervention in Zambia was delivered as part of THRIVE, an integrated livelihoods programme. We followed a previous study to disaggregate individual-level empowerment associated with EWV into three domains: internal (which relates to ‘power within’), localised (typically participation and access), and structural (e.g. institutional, environmental, and social structures).
CPAN Policy Brief: Zambia Poverty Dynamics Research
The policy agenda proposed here builds on good measures already taken by the Government of Zambia in education, social protection, debt relief and macroeconomic management, and addresses the challenges that remain in creating a more prosperous and equal Zambia.
The rate of poverty reduction slowed in Zambia during the 2010s, and especially with the 2019 drought and policy responses to the pandemic. A high level of rural chronic poverty is associated with farming and other natural resource-based occupations, suggesting that natural resource management requires significant policy attention. Surprisingly, chronic poverty is highest in eastern and southern Zambia, despite the maize- and livestock-based economies in those regions.
Source: Shutterstock
Forging Renewed Commitments Towards Eradicating Extreme Poverty
On 27 and 28 September 2023, the Centre for the Study of Global Development at the Open University hosted the international workshop ‘Poverty Reduction: Rethinking Policy and Practice’. As co-organisers, we reflect on four of the key take-aways of the workshop discussions.
Poverty, Hunger and Jobs: Pandemic Update and Recovery Prospects
In many countries, the post-COVID-19 recovery has been slow and incomplete. To promote the joining up of SDGs (1- no poverty, 2- zero hunger, 8- decent work and economic growth), CPAN/IDS, IFPRI, Southern Voice, and the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development co-convened a three-day virtual international workshop in June 2023 on “poverty, hunger and jobs”.
New CPAN Online Course: Mixed Methods on Poverty and Inequality
Mixed methods research and evaluation are critical to international development professional and practitioner roles across all specialisms. Yet undertaking this method of research and evaluation on complex issues can be challenging. Which is why we’re pleased to announce that the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) is offering a specialist professional course on mixed methods – within a poverty and inequality context.
Chronic Poverty Report 2023: Pandemic Poverty
CPAN’s latest Chronic Poverty Report is now live!
It aims to help decision-makers and multi-lateral agencies prepare for future crises as well as suggesting recommendations to recover equitably from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Photo credit: IDS
CPAN moves to Institute of Development Studies
After 11 years at ODI, the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) has moved to the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex.
Read more in the announcement
Pandemic Policy Responses and the Wellbeing of the Poor and Vulnerable
During the pandemic CPAN researchers returned to re-interview people interviewed pre-pandemic, and produced a number of bulletins as part of a Covid-19 Poverty Monitoring Initiative. It is continuing and synthesising this work.
Watch the UNDESA and CPAN webinar here
Zimbabwe Covid-19 Poverty Monitoring Research
Our latest poverty monitoring research from Zimbabwe shares findings from interviews with people living in poverty about the impact of Covid-19 on their lives.
This bulletin found that people were concerned about food security, conflict and heightened price of staple goods along with Covid-19. Read more in the May bulletin.
ODI International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Webinar
How can we get back on track to end extreme poverty after the shock of Covid-19? Watch our ODI webinar for International Day for the Eradication of Extreme Poverty 2021 and read the research that informed the event.
Informing COVID-19 Policy in Zambia and Rwanda Webinar
How has Covid-19 affected Zambian and Rwandan families, workers and business owners? Watch CPAN and IPA’s webinar to hear findings from our poverty monitoring initiative in Zambia and IPA's RECOVR survey in Zambia and Rwanda.
CPAN: Key Messages to Eradicate Chronic and Extreme Poverty
What is Chronic Poverty?
Poverty Dynamics: The ‘Life Histories Approach’
Life Histories are in-depth interviews which explore the key events and moments during an individual’s life that contribute to improve their situation, getting worse or stagnating. While panel data provides information on the proportions of people on different poverty trajectories, qualitative data explore why some households are improving their situation while others are not.
Learn more on our What we do page.