Sustaining poverty escaped in Malawi: Policy Implications Brief
This brief draws on results of mixed methods research in Malawi, to offer policy and programming implications for sustained poverty reduction. In doing so, it focuses on three areas, which were chosen as they emerged as particularly salient issues out of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of resilience and sustained poverty escapes:
Improving agricultural productivity and reducing price volatility through a focus on agricultural extension, irrigation, water management and market development.
Increasing profitable engagement in the non-farm economy – including through a focus on electricity and training, as well as savings. This section also highlights the dangers of irresponsible credit.
Investing in social protection - including making it more shock-sensitive
Authors: Lucy Scott and Blessings Chinsinga
Download the policy implication brief here
Drawing from the accompanying national report in Malawi, this brief highlights the policy recommendations to contribute to achieve sustained escapes out of poverty in Malawi.